Foods to support testosterone production.

Foods to Support Testosterone Production

The male sex hormone testosterone has an impact on muscle growth, potency, and libido. You can increase its levels in your body by incorporating certain foods into your diet that support testosterone production. We’ll reveal which ones in the following article.


To achieve optimal testosterone production, it’s essential to consume an adequate amount of quality carbohydrates. While you can find carbohydrates in grains, they are not the most suitable source in this case. This is because grains contain gluten, which increases prolactin levels, disrupting testosterone production. Therefore, you should opt for carbohydrates found in potatoes. In addition to them, you’ll also provide your body with vitamins A, B, and C, zinc, magnesium, and potassium.

Healthy Fats from Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil contains monounsaturated (73%), saturated (14%), and polyunsaturated (13%) fatty acids, along with antioxidants and other beneficial substances. It counteracts inflammation and supports testosterone production. However, all these substances are present only in extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil, ideally in organic quality.

Macadamia and Brazil Nuts

Saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids support testosterone production. Macadamia nuts contain the ideal ratio. They contain only 3% polyunsaturated fats, which decrease testosterone production, while the rest are fats that support the production of this male sex hormone. Many types of nuts are excellent sources of not only healthy fats but also minerals. Among those that also support natural testosterone production are Brazil nuts, containing selenium and antioxidants.

Caffeine in Coffee and Other Beverages

Excessive caffeine can increase cortisol levels, which negatively affects testosterone levels. However, if consumed before exercise, it can also serve as a testosterone booster. Caffeine has an impact on strength and performance, positively influencing testosterone levels despite mildly increasing cortisol levels.


Athletes recognize eggs primarily as a source of proteins. However, they also have an optimal distribution of fats, with the yolk containing cholesterol necessary for testosterone production. In addition to important proteins, your body will also receive essential vitamins and minerals from eggs.


Avocado is undoubtedly one of the foods that support testosterone production. This fruit is rich in vitamins and fats necessary for testosterone production, making up to 77% of the calories consumed. It contains an appropriate proportion of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.


Ginger root is known for its beneficial effects during colds and against inflammation. However, it is also among the foods that support testosterone production. You can prepare tea from it or add it to some dishes. Ginger promotes the increase of luteinizing hormone, which supports testosterone production.


Rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants protecting against the action of free radicals, parsley also helps increase testosterone levels.


Unprocessed cocoa ranks among the foods that support testosterone production. If included in sweets or roasted, its impact is significantly reduced. Only raw cocoa contains all the vitamins and minerals that have a favorable effect on blood pressure, the heart, and blood sugar levels. It also contains magnesium, iron, zinc, and antioxidants necessary for testosterone production. Its low polyunsaturated fat content is also favorable.

Onion and Garlic

Even traditional crops like onion and garlic contain numerous antioxidants and substances that increase testosterone levels. Onion is noteworthy for its content of quercetin and apigenin.

Garlic has a significant impact, thanks to its high content not only of quercetin but also vitamin C, which has a favorable effect on nitric oxide levels. It also contributes to the quality of erections. Garlic also strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of cancer.


The high content of probiotics, prebiotics, and other beneficial bacteria in yogurt makes it a food that supports testosterone production. These cultures also reduce cortisol levels during stress. Increased intake of probiotics is also associated with a beneficial effect on testosterone production.


Vegetables rich in vitamins A, B, and C, selenium, zinc, calcium, and other minerals belong to foods that support testosterone production. Thanks to its antioxidant content, broccoli protects its cells. It also contains the enzyme DIM, which flushes estrogen out of the body.